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Who Can Join the Working Waterfront?

Membership in the San Diego Working Waterfront is open to all major tenants of the Unified Port of San Diego as well as those who sublet their offices and places of business. In addition, we welcome related businesses who work with members of the Association.

2023 - New Membership Application 


Formed in 1989, the San Diego Working Waterfront (formerly the San Diego Port Tenants Association) is a coalition of businesses and industries dedicated to enhancing trade, recreation, commerce, and tourism on San Diego Bay’s tidelands, while protecting the area’s environment.


A 2019 analysis on the “Economic Impacts of the San Diego Unified Port District” for FY2017 reports the Port’s direct and indirect contribution to regional employment is 70,000 jobs, making it the Port the second largest employer in the San Diego County.  The businesses located within the Port District’s boundaries generate $9.4 Billion annually in the regional economic impact. 


Working Waterfront membership includes representatives of manufacturing; ship building and repair; shipping and trade; marinas; commercial and sports fishermen; energy; the cruise ship industry; yacht clubs, aerospace and airport industries; the hospitality industry, including hotels, restaurants and retail merchants; as well as the U.S. Navy. 


The Working Waterfront has a Board of Directors made up of 40 representatives of master-lease holders, sub-tenants and associate members.  Additionally, there are committees in such diverse areas as Real Estate, Marine Recreation, Marine Industrial, and Membership & Marketing.  A staff of three carries out the day-to-day work of the Association.


As an environmental steward, the Working Waterfront won a $6 million grant in 2016 from the California Energy Commission to electrify cargo handling vehicles being operated by six working waterfront port tenants and develop an Intelligent Transportation System for trucks on terminal adjacent roads. The San Diego Port Sustainable Freight Demonstration Project is underway and will enhance market acceptance and deployment of a range of advanced vehicle technologies that will reduce Green House Gas emissions, reduce petroleum use, and benefit disadvantaged communities. The deployment of these new alternative energy heavy duty vehicles is key to meeting the Port of San Diego’s Climate Action Plan goals.  


The Working Waterfront also produces an event called “Operation Clean Sweep”, the largest bay-wide cleanup and the only one featuring both military and civilian divers along with shoreside volunteers.  This event, done in partnership with the Unified Port of San Diego, SDG&E draws over 1,200 volunteer participants each year, half of which are members of the military.


As another year of exciting challenges continues to unfold, the Working Waterfront remains focused on protecting the interests of its members, while fulfilling its motto of: “Advancing trade, commerce, and tourism while protecting the environment.”


If your company is on the Tidelands or does business with the Port or its Tenants, the San Diego Working Waterfront can be of help to you.  Call (619) 226-6546 for more information.

2022 SDPTA - Organizational Chart
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